Parking Request
Students taking DSU courses will have first preference. Parking will be on a first come first served basis by order of grade level status.
There will be NO ASSIGNED SPACES. Students will be issued a general ECHS parking permit. Students are not permitted to park anywhere in the lot other than their designated student lot.
This permit only allows students to park on the ECHS campus and not DSU’s campus, including the DSU Living Commons. If a student parks anywhere other than the designated lot on the ECHS campus, the vehicle will be towed at the owner’s expense. There will be no warnings.
Sales will continue until spaces are no longer available.
There will be no waiting list. P
Please bring copies of the following items: student’s driver license, registration of the vehicle being driven, and proof of insurance.
Parking permits will cost $20.00 for the school year.
If you lose your parking space for any reason, your money will not be refunded.
Students may lose their parking privileges and/or have their car towed at their expense for any of the following offenses:
Parking in another area other than designated student parking
Parking on the grass, by a yellow curb or in any other unauthorized area
Parking in a designated faculty, visitor, or handicapped parking spot
Not displaying their parking permit prominently
Not adhering to recognized traffic safety regulations such as speeding
Allowing another student to use the parking permit issued to you – no selling or renting your permit to another student
Leaving campus without permission
Other offenses committed on school property that may be determined as inappropriate behavior while in school
Students who are suspended OSS for 5 or more days will lose their parking privileges
Poor attendance
Security personnel will be checking the parking lot daily so there will be no warnings. This notice will be your only warning.
Decisions to revoke parking privileges may be made by Dr. Edney. There will be no avenue for appeal on these decisions. Enforcement begins the first day of school.
Note: Any student who is not eligible to drive without a parent or licensed driver accompanying them will be ineligible to receive a parking pass.